# Modification New Yamaha Fino Retro Klasik From Denpasar

Modification New Yamaha Fino Retro Klasik From Denpasar

Yamaha Fino Retro Klasik Modif Denpasar, Views retro classic or modern retro indeed a lot of fans. But, so far their unique application such as yamaha Fino body alteration is as if the variations are confined to the election-that's all. Character is used windshield plus supporters knacks .
Gambar Modif New Yamaha Fino Retro Klasik From Denpasar

Even so, as one of the world's leader in modif in Bali, especially in Denpasar, Rian Cahyadi from Aboben Variation (AV) attempt to open the eyes of many actors modifications. The idea that it offers really fresh and unexpected.
Modified Motor New Yamaha Fino Retro Klasik From Denpasar

Not forever yamaha Fino a classic style that should be crammed variations that even memorable feminine. Concept promoted Rian are x-treme off-road, which certainly a lot of people argue that it is contrary to design a funny Fino bin cute.

6174fino-Ronie-3.jpgRian who have small stature and white that managed to make all still look attractive. Harmonious and of course the desired concept remains true. Although the actual changes that do not so much.

The main focus is on wheels sector. "Front rim even allowed to still the standard. Only the rear wear ukuraan a little wider," said this straight-haired man.
To back it uses a wide rim with the palm of 1.85 inches. "But, the point is to use a tire with a special development of off-road tires or call out," added the owner of the store from Jl. Hasanudin, No. 48, Denpasar, Bali.
Modification New Yamaha Fino Retro Klasik From Denpasar

For these tires because of fenders or wheel space is not too large, then the maximum size that can be used for rear 90/100-14. "Unlike the case if dimundurin axle. If it is still the standard, the size of the largest off-road tires that can get in," he added.

For the body you will look kind of manly then mounted guard made of iron pipe with a pretty sweet design and proven not to interfere.

As a result it has become a new breakthrough for the body like this. In fact, practically out of the habit alias out of the box! Of course, also be followed by others who are carrying automatic retro shades. Join ..!


Front tire: 70/100-14 Primax Moto Cross
Rear tire: 90/100-14 Primax Moto Cross
Rims: zip
Airs next: Upside Down Dirt Bike
Sok back: DBS
Hand guard: KTC
Hand grip: Givi
Air filters: zero
Cover caliper: Bungbon
Brake Handle: Bungbon
Axle Cover: Top Secret
Spion: Outler Miller
AV: (0361) 223926
source: motorplus-online.com