# Modifikasi Motor Honda Vario - Gambot Typical "Japanese Style"

Modifikasi Motor Honda Vario - Gambot Typical "Japanese Style"

Honda Vario 2006 osok Aji Satria property in Ponorogo, East Java, is reminded of the big-matic modification Japanese. Kompas.com never come across this form of practically the same as when the busy street in downtown Tokyo ahead of the early days, in October last year. The difference, in the stern and exhaust.

The modification is not too heavy. "For big-matic model of the whole body is just done and additional body kit installation. Then, the legs extended and handlebars come RoboCop model," said Satrio.

The most radical change appears on the front. Not only stretched so gambot, also the addition of lights Honda Airblade from Thailand. To adjust the front, back home modifications were tilled by Garage Modified (GM).

Dimensions enlarged by making pundukan in the central part of the original landing empty. "Because there is additional body kit in the front, middle and rear, the framework was extended 10 cm.'ll look sweet or not so empty, fins mounted wind of Honda Supra X 125,"said Satrio who admitted to this modification funds spent Rp25 million.

The most radical destruction looks at the stern. Typical Vario semok pointy changed so much. Hence, the backlight is replaced by a shell GL-Pro. To align with the front, rear left and right boxes given.

Because the body already gambot, the legs also adjusted. RoboCop model replaced the standard handlebars are so characteristic of Japanese is supported with sokbreker models upside down LHK filled with cutom 4 inch rim. Who's behind the back wheels of 25 cm, 8 inch rim cutom damped suspension WP Fusion plus disc brakes. (KR15)
Editor: Bastian Source: Motor Plus