# MODIFIKASI Honda New Vario CBS 2011

In photo shoots, body modifiers bongsor, Kindness 'Big' Rahmanto says, since recent years enthusiasts modif fixed. "However, most of the area. Comparison 80: 20 with Jakarta, "said boss Big Modification (BM) is

One of them belonging to Muhammad Kamaruzzaman Honda CBS Vario aka Memet. The man who located on Jl. Hero Cemetery, Baiturrahman Mosque, Banda Aceh, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) has a high taste matter modification.

Modify Honda New Vario CBS 2011

Gambar Modifikasi Honda New Vario CBS 2011

The use of disc brakes perati Ninja 150 on the back of the changing technologies owned by this Vario. "Automatic his CBS released, was not functioning," close this Yudes husband.

Well lo? CBS appliances not so whiz Vario latest generation. This is why even removed?


Rear tire: 160/60-14 Michelin
Rims: OG Wheel
Speedometer: zero
Muffler: Big Modification
Spion: Big Modification